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[LUG] Fwd: Tkfp 51 posted

Alex posted

I posted Tkfp version 51 to the sourceforge site

The main change is the new web browser interface which works with the
embedded Tclhttpd web server which is now
configured with SSL security using TLS 1.4.1 and openSSL 0.9.6.c  The
other server, for the non-web browser based GUI network
connection is also using SSL,  but a different version based on tclSSL
which is based on SSLeay. Following are some notes
cut from the INSTALL file included with the package:

    As of April 2002, In version 51,  Tclhttpd3.3.1 has been set up with
TLS 1.4.1 to allow
SSL security on the Web Browser based interface. I abandoned my old idea
of using the
Tcl plugin with Tclhttpd to serve up "Tclets" in the user's browser for
the web based strategy and
went to one base on dynamically computed HTML forms. There is still a demo
in there of a couple of ways the Tclet idea could work.  You can try
them out if you
install the Tcl plugin.  With the plugin it would show a GUI in the
user's browser
similar to the on in the Tkfp application. The GUI would connect back to
the server.
But the Tcl Plugin is not being maintained, and doesn't work with new
versions of
Internet Explorer.  It still works with Netscape 6 on Linux however.  My
current strategy is to extend the tclhttpd
server to provide a means for viewing sections of the medical records
and also updating them using dynamically
generated HTML forms.  I have not used any javascript as it seems to be
hard to
get things to work the same in all the different browsers with
javascript. It does use
frames and tables. I've used it under IExplorer 5 and above and Netscape
4.7, Netscape 6
Opera and the KDE Konquerer browsers and things seem to work OK.

    There are two levels of access. The provider's password is the same
as the one generated in the admin section of
the Tkfp GUI. You have to set up a password there before you can use the
web interface. The username
is the same as in the main Tkfp GUI and is controlled from the amin. tab
area. Providers can access all
records and update most of them except the
scanned data of course. A simple HTML form in the prescription module
connects to the fax spool so
you can do refill via the Web interface and have them faxed from the
server. This is very convenient to
use from home when on call.

     Patients can view only their own record and can read all parts of
it. They can update the
demographic and past medical history section.  The patient password is
assigned from the demographic area
of the Tkfp GUI. It is encrypted and based on htpasswd with comes with
the Apache Web Server and
which I borrowed for use here.  The setup does not depend on .htacess
style authenticaion, only the password generating
program is used. The patient username has to be entered exactly the same
as in the patient name browser listbox. This would
need to include any underscores and the birthdate if used and is case

   There are two ports opened by default when Tclhttpd starts up. 8001 is
NOT encrypted and will need to be
turned off to restrict access to the data by editing
tclhttpd3.3.1/bin/httpd.rc  Port 8016 IS SSL encrypted.
Also the BRX browser starts an SSL encrypted  port on port 443 which
  you can use to view records over a secure SSL connection.
I was going to use BRX's SSL server but it turned out to be easier to
use Tclhttpd once I got it configured for SSL.
BRX is still an amazing Tcl program and I'm still using it's e-mail
functions to integrate patient e-mails with their
medical record so it's staying in there. The BRX browser is also a
convenient way to use the Htdig search engine also included. You
will have to run the htdig program to build a database for htdig to work
with. Instructions come up from the help
button on the htdig/web server tab in the notebook GUI.

The server has a small GUI visible in the websrvr. tab.  The links in
the Web interface are
all calculated based in the IP address visible in the small entry box.
It tries do find an appropriate
IP address to use. It will use localhost if it does not find an ethernet
or ppp0 device to use as it's
address.  You can also just type an IP address or name in and that will
override the choice it's made. For example, I use
tkfp.yi.org  which is a dynamic IP domain name service, and just type
that in. Then all the links
in the web browser interface will have a base URL of
http://tkfp.yi.org   To get to the
homepage you enter in your web browser
https://tkfp.yi.org:8016/index.tml  for the secure
server,  or http://tkfp.yi.org:8001/index.tml (substitute tkfp.yi.org
and 8001 for whatever
you chose for the ip address and port you chose during the setup.
Putting the index.tml
on the end is important if you've changed the IP address setup as your
browser will look for a chached copy
of the site's index page and if it has links with the old IP address,
they will no longer work. The index.tml
file is not a static page, it's computed on the fly each time the
browser accesses the

Your browser will probably complain about the certificate being expired
and not from a trusted source.  It will still
work and the data is encrypted. But to make this warning go away, you
have to make your own new certificate and you would have
which you can sign yourself or send to a signing service like Verisign.
  Instructions come with openSSL and in the tclhttpd3.3.1/docs directory.


Forwarded from one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley 

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