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Re: [LUG] SuSE 8.0 - Login doesn't start X

Keith Abraham wrote:
        /etc/inittab has "id:5:initdefault" which is what I would
        expect as SuSE uses runlevel 5 for the xdm login. But
        from here on in I'm lost.
Some distros start X in inttab, but IIRC SuSE just has a an
"Snnxdm" in /etc/init.d/rc5.d and starts it like any other
service on boot.

Can't remember what tool your suppose to use to set this up on
SuSE. Probably Yast2 has an option. If all else fails try "ln
-S" in a command window to link /etc/init.d/xdm to the

I reserve the right to be;
a) wrong
b) out of date (SuSE 7.X here only).

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