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On Tues 9 Apr 2002 19:31:01 Lee Quick wrote
I had a similar thing happen yes! i have a a lexmark Inkjet which works to a fashion, apparently its something to do with it being a GDI printer and not very well supported in linux,however the CUP's setup has a driver,now all is well with the install except the driver is set with too high default resolution for the printer... the result is 3 or 4 lines of garbled characters and endless blank sheets of paper,just to prove it i set my oki laser(hplaserjet compatible) with an incorrect resoultion and driver setup and bingo! garbled rubbish and an empty paper tray.
this of course presumes that you use CUP's
Strange thing is RH7.2 Suse7.3 and Mandrake 8.1 and 8.2 all set the DPI to high for the printer and have to be manually tweaked, and it's not just DPI,paper size is never A4 by default GAH :)
Hi Lee It looks to me as if YaST2 installs a printer called "lp" whether you want it or not. (Understandable as some apps need it.) I did all my testing during installation of the printer using the default name "lp". Ergo two printers with the same name but different set ups. So I guess I was sending incompatible output to the printer I was trying to install. I'm now getting uninterrupted, controlable low-res output using an Epson LQ-550 set up but it's very difficult to read. This suggest the res of my Citizen is the same as the LQ-550. What I now appear to need is a method of initializing the multipass mode. Anyone any ideas how? Keith -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.