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Re: [LUG] secure ftp?

On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Theo Zourzouvillys wrote:
according to it's faq:

It loads data from disk on demand, relying on the UNIX kernel's buffer cache 
to keep frequently used data in memory. In contrast, BIND needs to load all 
your zone files into memory before it answers any queries. 
Or it could be read as BIND loads all your zones to keep frequently used 
data in memory, before answering any queries. So MaraDNS has the overhead 
of having to load the data on demand before answering any queries?!? 
(Espically if you are unlucky with the buffers.)

And as for Bind using much memory? Well on this box where this mail is 
coming from, it's using about 4 megs for 30+ domains and acting as a 
caching name server as well.

Pete Hatton
E-mail:  pete@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Webpage: http://www.monolight.org
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