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[LUG] Modifying Linux Partitions

Guess who set up Linux on a 4.2 MB hard drive and forgot to make a boot
partition. Boots nicely from a floppy, but before I bite the bullet and
reinstall the whole shooting match (write it down to "training"?), does
anyone know if there are any tools to move around ext2 partitions? 

Basically I need to clear a small space at the start of the disk, moving
those sectors elsewhere and adjusting all the relevant tables, then
shrink the partition and make another one in the cleared space. Can't be
impossible surely? All that's on the disk is a big Linux partition less than
1/3 used, and a small Linux swap partition. There's no DOS/Windows on the
machine, but if I really had to I could pull out the drive and mount it
in another machine, or probably easier, mount another drive temporarily
in the target machine. I've got a copy of Partition Magic somewhere or
other, but AFAIK it runs under Windows and only works with DOS/Windows
filesystems. Is that right??


(That's Keith Bailey, but not THAT Keith, and not THAT K. Bailey if you
see what I mean)

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