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the more of us that complete the survey the better also ask for better internet access peter -----Original Message----- From: bt.athome@xxxxxx [mailto:bt.athome@xxxxxx] Sent: 19 March 2002 23:54 To: peterbunce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: £1 donation to ChildLine, just for your thoughts Dear Mr Peter Bunce, ******************************************************** Help ChildLine and have your say in shaping BT services ******************************************************** Spend a few minutes completing this BT customer survey online and you'll help us better shape our future service. To thank you for your completed survey, we'll send £1 to ChildLine, the UK's free 24-hour helpline for children in trouble or danger. Just answer questions about our current service and indicate what you would like to see in the future. By telling us we'll better understand your needs. We have engaged NOP, an independent survey specialist, to help us. General findings from this survey may be made public, but your personal information will be kept confidential within the BT Group. To find out more and to have your say, simply click on, or paste this address into your web browser and press return. You will then be taken to the survey on an NOP web site: http://www.bt.com/yoursay Yours sincerely, Angus Porter Managing Director, BT Consumer Division PS. Remember, we'll give £1 for each and every completed survey. And, as we're asking approximately 19 million residential customers to do this, we'll all help raise a substantial sum of money for ChildLine. You have received this e-mail because you have registered on BT.com. If you want to remove your address from this customer survey mailing list, reply to this e-mail, putting 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. If you don't want to receive any e-mails about products, services or discounts from BT, put 'unsubscribe BT all' in the subject line. URN:1435.373.1.999611405081 -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.