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My chance of getting there is extremely small, alas. A Richard Stallman talk on Software Patents From: Richard Clayton <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> To: UKcrypto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx As the special guest of the Foundation for Information Policy Research: Richard Stallman ================ ? ? Founder of the GNU Project, and campaigner for free software which ? ? people are at liberty to copy, redistribute and change. Winner of ? ? Grace Hopper Award, Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer award, ? ? and Takeda Award.... Software Patents - Obstacles to software development ==================================================== ? ? Software patents are patents on software ideas. A typical computer ? ? program today combines many software ideas, just as a symphony ? ? combines many musical ideas. Inevitably most of them have to be old ? ? ideas. Software patents mean that every design decision brings with ? ? it a risk of getting sued. Date: ? ? ? ?Monday 25th March 2002 Time: ? ? ? ?16:15-17:30 Venue: ? ? ? University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, ? ? ? ? ? ? ?JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge. CB3 0FD Directions: ?http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/UoCCL/contacts/ Poster: ? ? ?http://www.fipr.org/stallman.html This event will also see the launch of the "Friends of FIPR" - this will be your chance to become a founding supporter of the UK's only effective think tank addressing Internet issues. All are welcome! ? ? but please RSVP <rmstalk@xxxxxxxx> so that we can assess numbers! Entry is free; but do bring your cheque book :) -- richard @ highwayman . com ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "Nothing seems the same ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Still you never see the change from day to day ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? And no-one notices the customs slip away" -- From one of the Linux desktops of Dr Adrian Midgley http://www.defoam.net/ -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.