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RE: [LUG] W3C patent policy, etc

there's a hell of a lot of pressure from WTO for this type of thing
look at drugs
and allegded cures from some persons cell?

regards peter
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of Simon Waters
Sent: 06 March 2002 14:56
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [LUG] W3C patent policy, etc

Adrian Midgley wrote:

This looks good
If you don't allow them to patent software then the whole issue
doesn't arise.

The EU still looks to be mindlessly following the whim of a few
lobbists into allowing patents on software, and business

I'll patent being nasty to your customers, and not knowing about
your products, no one will dare admit to having prior art, and
I'll make a killing at the level of British customer service for
infringements ;)

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