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I've been recompiling kernels to get support for the onboard RAID controller (HPT372)on my mobo(IWILL XP333R) and have got the kernel to recognise the controller and the drives off of it. The problem comes when the kernel is executing the initrd (i think) and is starting the prcesses defined in the run level (5), it says it cannot find loads of services (ssh etc) and then crashes out saying no more processes present in the initrd ??. Even though the initrd is same that is used for another 2.4 kernel and all the processes are found fine ? Any pointers would be much appreciated, the distro is SuSE 7.1 if that helps and the kernel source is the 2.4 kernel source from the distro cd's. Cheers ---------------------- Rich Smith University of Exeter -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.