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On Sat, 9 Feb 2002, kevin bailey wrote:
we see postgres having a good future because it has had ACID compliance built-in from the begining.
My understanding was that MySQL now provides sensible behaviour via an alternative table type, but I do wonder how many people understand the relevant differences in quality between apparently competing database products.
i'll have to check this out further but i believe MYSQL was file based initially - and has now had record locking and transactions added on - which doesn't feel too good.
if you use certain table types - the it can kind of implement transactions, but it is a hack.
postgres is probably better for DB's where the size is in the order of gigabytes - whereas MYSQL is suited to small jobs and being the DB behind small websites. if the web-site is running e-commerce though postgres would again be better,
I'd disagree :) MySQL scales very well on doing rapid selections and joins (i.e. generating content, etc) it scales less well for inserts ( accepting data, etc) and doesn't really do transactions properly. Postgres and MySQL can combine well by having all the transactions (updates, etc) handled by Postgres and then Have MySQL update itself from Postgres when its not too busy and otherwise concentrating on pushing out results as quick as it can. It should be quicker to update N records in 1 go than to update N records in N queries as there will be less locking and no contention / blocking.
i have to set up a postgres DB on a server soon and will be running some tests - i'll try to find time to set up MYSQL as well and run the same tests - i'll post any results/conclusions,
You'll find that MySQL isn't case sensitive and Postgres is - if your dirty has varying or poor capitalisation it can be a pig to clean it all. Also Postgres uses ' instead of " for quoting values in queries. Finally Postgres doesn't allow you to drop a column from a table - you have to create a new table without teh column with data inserted by a great big select - this can be a pig. regards, A. -- <A HREF = "http://termisoc.org/~betty";> Betty @ termisoc.org </A> "As a youngster Fred fought sea battles on the village pond using a complex system of signals he devised that was later adopted by the Royal Navy. " (this email has nothing to do with any organisation except me) -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.