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Re: [LUG] Unable to boot system

On 04-Feb-2002 at 10:29:24 Pete Hatton wrote:
this out. It was decided to simply start from scratch and use rh7.2. The
system is currently being rebuilt. However, I was wondering if anyone had
any other ideas as to what I could have tried to get the thing going? The
server is a Compaq DL360, with a single scsi disk (using compaq smart
The first being it doesn't update lilo.conf and removes the old kernel -
result it can't boot.

Yes, I noticed that installing a new kernel didn't run lilo. I usually run
it after changing the kernel or lilo itself (obviously). In this case I ran
lilo anyway.

Also as I a SCSI setup, I find I have to use mkinitrd on the kernel, so
the kernel can load the scsi drivers, other I think (IIRC) you get can't
mount the root system, and a panic.

Ah, now you may have something there. The 'cpqarray' module has to be loaded
to access the disk. However, I haven't used mkinitrd before - didn't in this
case either, I assumed the new kernel would install any initrd img file as
required. Admittedly I didn't check this though! The modules.conf does
contain an alias name for cpqarray, so I assumed that it would be
automatically loaded as needed.

Before getting too far with the rh72 installation, I may see about upgrading
the kernel again and seeing if the img file changes.


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK           Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
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