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Re: [LUG] Apache: only serve documents a day or more old?

On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 08:17:43PM +0000, Neil Williams wrote:

Oh come on, there's only one reason for the concern and we all know it - 
Windows executes arbitrary binaries with full system privileges. 

Trying to get people off Windows off of the back of a virus issue is
just going to get nowhere. Windows is rooted in people's lives and is
just not going to change.

If the virus/worm/trojan didn't have system wide access, it wouldn't
be anywhere near as dangerous.

I LOVE YOU didn't need system privs to cause denial of service through
masses of email. Removing ones own files is enough to cause a big pile
of poop, without touching other system stuff. To me ...

rm -rf / and rm -rf /home/steve are ust about as annoying as eachother.

The only exploits of Linux that have received any serious attention
all relate to programs that run as root, are SUID'd to root 

You don't need root to get on people's tits, a decent flood ping will
be enough. Hacking root is not that hard on vanilla systems, I'm not
sure people are secure enough.

OK, so you have to execute arbitrary commands to see this work, and we
all know that's not an issue on linux, generally. However, does anyone
remember the lm bug that let you runs commands for people?

Having said that, who really knows what users are capable of. Give
someone a program that tempts them and they might run it. "Run this to
see if yuor boss has any porn", for instance.

or provide root access through mangled input data.


The ordinary user is completely useless for virus writers.

I beg to differ. Virus writers are not just coders, they are
psychologists. Give everyone in the universe linux and the virus
market will just change. 

We're more secure, but we're not perfect. If linux was the world's
only OS, then some prat would write something stupid which could be

It's a game, and it will always be so. The rules will simply change.


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