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RE: [LUG] Apache: only serve documents a day or more old?

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I couldn't think of anything offhand, but got bored 30 mins ago with
fighting winddows threads and sockets (EVIL!), so knowcked this up


Its mod_age, and I knowcked it up in literaly 10 minutes, but I've
tested it for the last 20 and can't seem to find anthign wrong with
it, see the README and INSTALL files, its really simple :)

To enable it, enable authconfig in the allowoverrides for that
directory, and in either a <directory> or .htaccess file, place:

AgeEnabled on
AgeWait <seconds you want the file to age before being allowed)
AgeFile /path/to/your/wait.html  (relative to server root)

The default is 24 hours, and the default filename to redirect if its
less than that is /wait.html - create as you please. The default is
however, for obvios reasons, to be disbaled.

To install it on any recent distro, just type "make install", and it
should work....

Free to use as you want, with BSD licence, and im really not fussed
If you become a millionre from selling it anyway ;p

Any problems/bugs/suggestions, let me know

who has had way to much caffine.

Theo Zourzouvillys
Global Network Consultant

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+ Mobile: +44 7747 844 300
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Adrian Midgley
Sent: 28 January 2002 11:48
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [LUG] Apache: only serve documents a day or more old?

Anyone clever with Apache here?
Strip incoming email attachments into a named directory - one 
for the whole 

Deliver them to users via the intranet webserver - IE the 
directory from 
which attachments are served is one that the webserver will

24 hours is enough for the anti-virus companies to have 
identified and 
produced a fix for a virus released yesterday (but substitute 
1 hour 4 hours 
8 hours 1 week or whatever you like)

Now, using a daemon to copy/mv each incoming file from the 
zone into the webserver's directory after 24h is reasonable 
enough, but can 
one configure Apache to do this from a single directory, 
presenting a custom 
message (defined in the .htaccess file) until 24 h is up, and 
then agreeing 
to deliver?

It would also be useful to run the file through word2x or 
similar and present 
that, and perhaps the pragmatic approach is to say 
age < 24h   -> ASCII
age =<24h  -> deliver file

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