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Re: [LUG] Just Curious?


I haven't looked yet, but I'm pretty sure that NetBIOS is turned off. I think
that the real
problem has something to do with XP auto-update feature. I have turned it off,
as far
as I can tell, but who really knows! :-)


kevin bailey <kevin_bailey@xxxxxxxxxxx> on 21/01/2002 22:09:01

Please respond to list@xxxxxxxxxxxx

To:   list@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject:  Re: [LUG] Just Curious?

hi mathew,

i think my diald is not set up perfectly to be honest - the dial on
demand seems to fire off too much on my setup as well.  however, i don't
really use dial-on-demand.

i mainly use the force-up option on the diald control panel (dialdcost).
when i sit down at the PC i set the force-up option to 'on'.  and when
i've finished or the morning after a download i turn it off again.
because i use a modem and have a 24hr dialup package this suits me
best.  diald is very configurable - the conf file is pretty intense!!!
if you need any help with it maybe www.deja.com would help,

i work with MS networks and the amount of network traffic caused by
windows machines is huge - they're constantly calling eachother,
advertising services, calling elections etc!!!!  maybe if you turned off
NETBIOS and stuck to tcp only that would help,


matthew.gibbons@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


diald needs to be reconfigured because XP is quite promiscuous! Without hacking
the diald configuration, my ISP is being dialed as soon as it goes down. Auto
dialing from the XP does not do this, presumably because it is already
configured properly. I will need to sniff the packets to see what is going
across my network, as all I have turned on is TCP/IP. Can't think what XP is
doing, other than trying to find a way home...


kevin bailey <kevin_bailey@xxxxxxxxxxx> on 19/01/2002 18:46:07

Please respond to list@xxxxxxxxxxxx

To:   list@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject:  Re: [LUG] Just Curious?

hi matthew,

what needs configuring RE diald - is it because the XP box does not fire
up the link?

as a quick answer - i downloded the dial control panel from debian
called dialdcost - then i made this available via a vnc session to
anyone on the network - it works fine because you can set it to dial on
demand - or force it up continuously - or quickly shut the link etc.



matthew.gibbons@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:


We're actually using Office 2000 with XP, but that is only because I didn't


the installables for Open Office 6.0. I actually use Open Office on my laptop
(which is running Linux - my own distribution).

I take your point about connecting XP direct to the internet, but needs must
the moment. I run diald on my firewall, and this works fine when only running
Linux, but needs to be reconfigured because of the XP box. I need to do some
packet analysis - anyone know of some good tools?


kevin bailey <kevin_bailey@xxxxxxxxxxx> on 15/01/2002 21:00:17

Please respond to list@xxxxxxxxxxxx

To:   list@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Subject:  Re: [LUG] Just Curious?

hi mathew,

even if your wife is only happy with XP you could still benefit from
open source software - i'd be interested to know how openoffice 6 for
windows compares.

be careful about connecting the XP machine directly to the internet -
see http://grc.com/default.htm

BTW - there are two great tools on the site for testing firewalls under
the shields up link - i managed a clean sweep - nothing to show [for now
anyway :o) ].  i'd be interested in anyone else's firewalls results - or
any windows machine's results.  i'll test out the firewall at work
(windows SBS) and post the results,


matthew.gibbons@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Small network,

Frodo:    750MHz Athlon, 768MB, 40GB, DVD, CD/RW, Windows/XP
Bilbo: 166MHz Pentium, 64MB, 4GB, My own Linux 2.4.8, CVS, DHCP, DNS, FTP
(ProFTPd), HTTP (Apache), NNTP, SMTP (Qmail)
Sting: 166MHz Pentium, 64MB, 4GB, My own Linux 2.4.8, NetFilter, PPP, Squid,
Smaug: 750MHz Pentium Laptop (Toshiba Tecra 8100), 256MB, 10GB, DVD, My own
Linux 2.4.17

Yes, I did buy Windows/XP Home Edition, and to be honest, I really like it.


that is a high accolade, considering my feelings about free software. My wife
can't run Linux. I've tried everything I can to get her to use it, but it


causes a problem somewhere along the line, which she is unable to cope with.


is not that she couldn't learn, she just doesn't have the time. She's a user,
and Windows/XP is a user's operating system.

If anyone is interested, I might post a review of Windows/XP. Flames? :-)


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