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RE: [LUG] GCC compilation? Good C++ book

For a book on C++ with some emphasis on OO I found "Object oriented
programming with C++" by David Parsons very good. ISBN 1-85805-2327

It tells you about syntax basics but doesnt spend ages telling you what a
variable is, so it is ground up so to speak, but swiftly gets on to the more
interesting features.

Also at £11-95 it is quite reasonable. It does not presume any particular
IDE or OS.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-list@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf
Of David Johnson
Sent: 18 January 2002 21:20
To: list@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [LUG] GCC compilation?

lee quick wrote:

just taking first tentative steps into the strange world of  C
does anyone know the answer to the following
i write a source file say : Example.c
then  GCC Example.c
produces an executable called a.out ?
sure enough a.out works but why is it not called Example.out
of course i could rename a.out ,but why does it do this in the first
read the man pages for GCC but can't find any explanation.

I am also taking those steps. Or rather re-taking. I briefly played with
C a few years ago but never got past copying examples from books...
As a matter of fact I decided that I would like to learn C/C++ only today.
Do you have a book on C? Would you recommend it? I have an old Borland
book on Turbo C++ and it is clearly not intended for people like me!

David Johnson.

Microsoft Tech Support: Windows? Oh it does that sometimes.

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