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Re: [LUG] Anybody playing Return to castle wolfenstein on linux?

I download the rpm from nVidias web site the kernel and the GLX
for my Suse7.1

put a soft link to that file

ln -s /usr/lib/GL/libGL.so.1.0.1251.nv_glx  /usr/lib/GL/libGL.so


ln -s /usr/lib/GL/libGL.so.1.0.1251.nv_glx  /home/????/libGL.so               

( wolfenstein liked the home one better??)                                    
its works for wolfenstein but still have not been able to get quake III demo 
to work with nvidias card but had q3demo working on a voodooII a while ago
(since upgraded to elsa gladiac 511 64mb?

let me know how you get on

Darren Ward

On Saturday 19 January 2002 00:48, you wrote:
Not me.. but i would like to !!

anyone know how to get OpenGL to work ??

I have the latest drivers fron nVidia's web site, just no OpenGL at all !!

Non of the GL games i have work on my card :(

Ideas welcome !!


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