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Re: [LUG] Text bridging

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Just a thought, but TextBridge can accept an image file as input
can't it? Just scan the images and then rotate them with Gimp? (or am
I missing something?)


- ----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Sutton" <psutton@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "D&C Lug" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 6:12 PM
Subject: [LUG] Text bridging


I am not sure if Linux can provide a solution here,

The ict co - ordinator at the school where I am working has lost
some term lesson plans due to a virus,  etc,  To solve the
situation the idea was for me to use text bridge and a scanner to
scan the hard copies in and save in word doc format,

I went in this afternoon to see the technician about how to use
textbridge but he was busy. However According to the ict
co-ordinator it is not possible having asked the technician  to do
this as the documents are in landscape format and due to a problem
with the textbridge software it's not possible to scan landscape
documents.  .

I can retype the documents no problem but thought there must be a
solution and a way round this given the number of conversion
utilities available using linux,  or most operating system,  but
linux seems to have loads of useful utils for this type of thing.

Does anyone know of any solutions,

In the meantime I will have a look at what is available with Linux,
 but any ideas would be a great help,


Paul Sutton

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