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Re: [LUG] Virus

----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Williams" <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: [LUG] Virus

Can you re-direct the logs to another machine?
Probably. But why should I have to just because some idiot can't be bothered
to patch their systems.
Alternatively, there is supposed to be a way to have the logs held in a
MySQL database.

I have a script (untested at present) which would cause a popup window
IIS servers saying that they had a virus.

Traceable to you? If not, OK, but would they take any notice?
I know it's a grey area, but who cares if it's traceable. My arguement would
be that their system requested the file (whether they were aware of the
request or not is irrelevant). In a way, it's similar to running an open
smtp relay - it doesn't matter whether you are aware of it, it's your fault

Nasty. Don't let your frustration get the better of you. For one thing it
not be worth it, after all, are they going to take any notice of an effect
someone else's server?
Not My Problem syndrome? Yes, I know it actually is, but that's the point,
they are oblivious to the real problem and have already had numerous
telling them that they are oblivious to the real problem. Will one more
change their minds?
Not my problem - it would be if someone deleted major system files off their
You're right, one more voice would make a damn bit of difference. But
because of the way that nimda works, it's a trivial thing to do a damn site
more than just send a popup. (format c followed by certain other
parameters). Obviously you would then be going down the route of knowingly
damaging another persons system - not a good idea.


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