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Re: [LUG] Two kernels on One partition

Andrew Rogers wrote:

I am considering installing and compiling a newer kernel (2.4.14 or
2.4.16 from Linux Format DVD) on my Mandrake 7.2 which currently has
2.2.17. I notice that my current source in in the path
/usr/src/linux-2.2.17, presumably the newer kernel will create a new
directory and that it would be OK to both kernel source directories, is
this a safe assumption to make?

The kernel will be in whatever directory you unpack it into... /usr/src/version is the usual convention.

I notice that there is a link
/usr/src/linux -> linux-2.2.17/ can anyone explain why this exists and
should I point it at the new kernel source directory?

Don't know why it exists but I've never bothered and not encountered any problems...

When I do `make
modules_install' will this create a new modules directory and leave my
old modules directory intact?


Will a standard kernel (i.e. not a
Mandrake kernel) be compatible with my current Mandrake 7.2

It's a big jump to a completely different kernel and you may experience problems (e.g. some modules will probably have been renamed etc.). You've nothing to lose by just trying it and seeing what happens. You may be lucky :-)

Happy new year.

And to you.

Andrew Rogers

David Johnson.

Microsoft Tech Support: Windows? Oh it does that sometimes.

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