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[LUG] printers??

Have tried in vain to get my lexmark z32 printer working in linux.
Both RH7.2 and Mandrake 8.1 claim to have a driver called lxm3200, however it just refuses to work.

So went to the lexmark website which has a driver for the z32 and comes as a rpm package (which is fairly handy)

This however is the crunch upon installing all goes ok until rpm tries to unpack a script called license and query? the install fails with an error 126 ??? the two files in question are trying to be sent to var/tmp,ole RH is having none of that and gives a permission denied.

The most perplexing thing is the files are installed, but it seems im supposed to accept the license perhaps before the drivers become operational,and somewhere something on the system is taking a dislike to the above two files been written or activated.

Red hat is a default install,and ive tried rpm both from a package manager and from the console all to no avail, any ideas would be greatly appreciated :)



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