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Somewhere in Darkest Cornwall.... er Callington actually! Ah Mandrake 8.1 ooohh nice... wow whats this? Mandrake Update, thats handy! Lets see now.... configure for security updates blah,blah yup have some of that. Oh no whats this !!!Security update for kernel. Thats fairly critical! methinks ;) Oh well here goes (two hours later) Ta da! your update is complete. Blimey fab! Hmmm lets just do a re-start just to make sure.... 3hrs later ,bumper book of linux by sybex, several console sessions and a totally stuffed linux system later! Arrrgg brilliant update mandrake! Thanks for the helpful easy to use update program should carry a health warning! Oh well time for a reinstall .... again Merry Christmas all ! from Lee, and the Linux for idiots who really should not have advanced pass playing nibbles on Dos project! Aha! got it...... no sorry false alarm. wow armagetron pretty! -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.