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Re: [LUG] CD Writers

> Hi all,
> Been following the thread on CD writers with interest as I have just added an 
> ATAPI drive to my dual-boot box (Mandrake 8.0 and "the other OS") so thought 
> I would follow the instructions - however.....
> The writer has replaced my CDrom drive as I had no more room in the box and 
> is therefore the ony CD available.  Adding "append = "hdc=ide-scsi" as the 
> drive is hdc ended up creating 2 drives on the system info - both 
> inaccessible(? never kud spel (sic)) probably due to conflicts.

Why would a conflict affect your ability to spell ?
> I added gcombust from my install disks and seem unable to select any files.
> Can anyone help?

http://www.dictionary.com ?
> Also - is there anyone based in/around Newquay/St Columb area that would like 
> to meet up (even a group of us) to swap info/experience and help each other? 
> I know a (normally) quiet venue with CHEAP BEER not too far out of town.

Next linux day anyone ?

Neil Stone

    Tel: 01752 565870   Mob: 07866 368318   Fax: 0870 7061160

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