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I've continued to refine the script for generating HTML index pages for jpegs. You can now put some text next to the thumbnails (taken from a file called "captions"), create different index pages and so on. I'll set up a demo on the web soon, but for now here's the latest code Keith ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#!/usr/bin/tclsh #Usage : mkpixndx [ subdir [ Page Title ... ] ] #This script looks for *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.JPEG etc. files in the subdirectory #"subdir" (default "pictures"), generates largish thumbnails in #subdir/thumbnails using ImageMagick and writes an html catalogue page #"subdir.html" with the title and heading "Page Title" (default "Picture #Catalogue"). #Adding or removing jpegs to the subdirectory and re-running the script #will add or delete entries in the catalogue. Replacing a jpeg by a later #version with the same file name will cause the thumbnail to be updated. #To add captions to the thumbnails place a text file named "captions" #in the directory with the jpegs. Entries should be of the form : # filename.jpg # Bold Heading # Body of caption (several lines if necessary) #Separate entries by one or more blank lines. "\n" is translated to the #HTML <br> tag. Other tags may be included with caution. #A special entry of the form : # TITLE # Title for the Picture Index Page #can be placed anywhere in the captions file and will override the title #(if any) given on the command line. #Remember to do "chmod 755 mkpixndx" #If the script is in the current directory you may need to call it with # "./mkpixndx ..." #NB you will need to hack the first two lines of code below to insert your #own email and web addresses. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #SUBSTITUTE YOUR WEBSITE ADDRESS HERE : set url index.html #SUBSTITUTE YOU EMAIL ADDRESS HERE : set email "pix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #Take the first word of the command tail as the html filename and #pictury directory name, or use "pictures" as the default set filename [lindex $argv 0] if {![string length $filename]} {set filename pictures} #Are there any pictures? if {![file isdirectory $filename]} { puts "Wot No Pictures!" exit } if {![regexp -nocase .*\.jp.*g [exec ls $filename]]} { puts "Wot No Pictures!" exit } #Get captions (if file present) if [file exists $filename/captions] { set CAP [open $filename/captions] while {![eof $CAP]} { gets $CAP line if {![string match {} $line]} { set pic $line gets $CAP line set head($pic) $line set text($pic) {} while {![string match {} $line]} { gets $CAP line regsub -all {\\\n} $line "<br>" line set text($pic) "$text($pic) $line" } } } close $CAP } if [array exists head] {set capslist [array names head]} else {set capslist {}} #Make directory for thumbnails if necessary if {![file isdirectory $filename/thumbnails]} {exec mkdir $filename/thumbnails} #Go through thumbnails directory and delete any that are redundant cd $filename/thumbnails foreach thumb [glob -nocomplain th_*.jp*g] { if {[lsearch [exec ls ..] [string range $thumb 3 end]] == -1} { puts "Removing $thumb"; exec rm $thumb } } cd ../.. #Open file for writing (if it already exists it will be trashed!) set HTML [open $filename.html w] #Write out the html header (remember to escape all the quotes) puts $HTML "<!-- X-URL: http://$url/$filename.html -->" puts $HTML "<!-- Date: [exec date "+%a, %e %b %Y %X %Z"] -->" puts $HTML "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">" puts $HTML "<HTML VERSION=\"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n<HEAD>" puts $HTML "<META NAME=\"author\" CONTENT=\"mkpixndx tcl script\">" #Use the remainder of the command tail as the html page title #overridden by TITLE entry in "captions" file if present if {[lsearch $capslist TITLE] != -1} { set title $head(TITLE) } else { set title [lrange $argv 1 end] } if {![string length $title]} {set title "Picture Catalogue"} puts $HTML "<TITLE>$title</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n<BODY bgcolor=\"#A06000\">" #Write out a heading (here it's the same as the page title) puts $HTML "<hr>\n<H1 align=center>$title</H1>\n<hr>\n" #Go to the directory with the pictures in it cd $filename #Start table to format page contents puts $HTML "<div align=center><TABLE><TR>\n" #Work through a list of all the the jpegs ... foreach pic [lsort [glob *.\[Jj\]\[Pp\]*\[Gg\]]] { #get the file size set size [lindex [exec ls -s $pic] 0]K #Make corresponding thumbnail if not already present if {[file exists thumbnails/th_$pic] \ && [file mtime $pic] < [file mtime thumbnails/th_$pic]} { puts "$pic -- thumbnail already present" } else { puts "Creating thumbnail of $pic" exec cp $pic thumbnails/th_$pic exec mogrify -geometry 256x512 thumbnails/th_$pic } #Write the html code for each picture set cap [expr [lsearch $capslist $pic] != -1] puts $HTML "<TD><A HREF=\"$filename/$pic\">" puts $HTML "<IMG src=\"$filename/thumbnails/th_$pic\" ALT=\"$pic $size\"" puts $HTML "BORDER=3 WIDTH=256 hspace=10 vspace=6 align=middle></A></TD>" puts $HTML "<TD align=center valign=middle width=256>" if $cap {puts $HTML "<H3>$head($pic)</H3>"} puts $HTML "<H3><A href=\"$filename/$pic\">$pic $size</A></H3>" if $cap {puts $HTML "<P align=justify>$text($pic)</P></TD>"} puts $HTML "\n</TR><TR>\n" } #End the loop and change back to the directory you came from cd .. #Close table puts $HTML "</TR>\n</TABLE>\n</div>" #Finally write out the page bottom ... puts $HTML "<HR>\n<div align=center>" puts $HTML "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" WIDTH=\"90%\">" puts $HTML "<TR>\n<TD WIDTH=\"20%\"><A HREF=\"$url\">home</A></td>" puts $HTML "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\"></TD>" puts $HTML "<TD WIDTH=\"40%\" align=center><em>Updated : \ <!-- datestamp:begin -->[exec date "+%e-%b-%Y %R %Z"]<!-- datestamp:end --></em></TD>" puts $HTML "<TD WIDTH=\"10%\"></TD>" puts $HTML "<TD WIDTH=\"20%\" align=right>\ <A HREF=\"mailto:$email\">email</A></td>" #Finish up the html code ... puts $HTML "</TR>\n</TABLE>\n</div>\n<HR>\n</BODY>\n</HTML>\n" #And close the file close $HTML #End of File