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On Tuesday 11 September 2001 11:04 am, Alex Charrett wrote: > On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Roland Tarver wrote: > > So far I've heard good > > things about Red Hat, SuSE , Caldera, Mandrake (and to a lesser extent > > Debian). Thought I would add my experience ;) , maybe you should consider giving a couple a whirl? > Caldera: > No idea. Never used it. Business use? had a feeling it was aimed at office terminal use. > SuSE: > Large. 6 cds and/or 1 dvd last time I looked. Is pretty good too, but a > little less friendly than Red Hat and Mandrake. 7.3 is as friendly IMHO, although not for those with a small HD ! > Slackware: > not used it in such a long time it's not fair to comment on it. It's > generally been of a more technical ilk. Zipslack is probabbly based on > it. I have used 7.1, and its well put together but lacks the added GUI bits of RH, MAN and SuSE. Its strong point is that you can install it on little more than a pocket calculator :) -- Tom Laithwaite tomlai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.