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I really at a loss to explain why I do not get the amount of spam some have reported. I have done all the normal things any user does. I've mailed my friends, groups and manufacturers etc and also made purchases via email and from web sites. So there has been plenty of opportunity for someone to get hold of my address. I use Kmail as my mailer but so do others and I can't see that there is anything special about Kmail which keeps out spam. I don't even have any filters set up. The one possiblity I can think of is that I have left blank any email address section in my browsers. Perhaps some spammers obtain addresses from here and that's why my address is not on any spammers database. That said it's strange I have had 3 spam mails so I must have been on someone's list. But as I had 2 in 2002 and so far only 1 this year there doesn't appear to be a concerted effort to target me. And, as most spammers get their lists by hi-jacking large email databases, surely I must appear on a database somewhere. Perhaps there is something specific to me that deters spam eg Opera (my browser of choice) has a section which indicates my personal interests for advertising purposes and my entries may be too esoteric for a spammer? But that seems just plain ridiculous. Don't get me wrong I'm glad I have such a low spam count (I nearly wrote sperm!!) but I'd like to know why. Keith On Wednesday 02 July 2003 3:05 pm, Pete Hatton wrote: > On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, Keith Abraham wrote: > > The media seem to be getting all worked up about > > spam email. No doubt because the EU is getting > > excited about it too. > > > > They report that spam email is choking the Internet. > > > > Well I've been using Linux off and on since feb 2000 > > (continously for the 12mths) and I have only had > > 3 (yes three!) unsolicited emails. > > > > Am I doing something wrong? > > 3 Spam's in the last 3 years? Consider yourself lucky I think. On average > I get, about 2-5 a day, which are caught by the spam filters, and come > through common addresses like hostmaster@xxxx > > Maybe you could tell us what you have done to be so spam free! :) > > Pete Hatton > --------------------------------- > E-mail: pete@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Webpage: http://www.monolight.org > --------------------------------- > Duty, n: > What one expects from others. > -- Oscar Wilde > > > > -- > The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG > Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the > message body to unsubscribe. -- SuSE 8.2 on ECS K7S5A/XP with 1.2GHz Athlon, 384MB RAM, Maxtor 20GB HD and using KDE's Kmail -- The Mailing List for the Devon & Cornwall LUG Mail majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxx with "unsubscribe list" in the message body to unsubscribe.