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Re: [LUG] Salutations from Tom, Dick and Harry


I've got a PCI graphics card you can have if you want...


Jason Mepham <j.mepham@xxxxxxxxxx> on 20/05/2001 18:51:05

Please respond to lug-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

To:   lug-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
cc:    (bcc: Matthew Gibbons/PLY/Global)

Subject:  [LUG] Salutations from Tom, Dick and Harry

Hi each.

For those that are interested, I have messing about with Tom, Dick and
Harry.  I have ironed out a few RAM problems and now they all boot up,
which is nice.

I do have a limiting factor in that I only have two graphics cards that
work so I am having to share between two of them.

The next plan of attack is to get some cable and link them all
together.  Then if anyone has approached me with cd drive I might be
able to load up some software, which I also need to find.  Does anyone
think that I might be able to load up the server edition of RH 7.1
Might that work??  Do I need to have some other software going??  Can
anyone help?


On another note I am having trouble with my email system in that I cant
send any unless I am in root.  Netscape communicator cant make a
temporary filke or something.  Similarly I cant save anywork if I am
using star offivce unless I am in root.

Can anyone suggest anything,  I have tried the permissions boxes whilt
in root but I just selected everything for that one.  It didnt work.

Thanks anyway


ps I am working at run to the sun for a while so contact me in two weeks

j.mepham@xxxxxxxxxx   or  07703 187097


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