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Re: [LUG] mulinux

you can install debian floopy disk. just a network connection is needed.
imho linux needs a good net connection and apt ;)


On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Trevor Sansom wrote:

> Mulinux appears to be just what I need for may ageing
> laptop. As most things Linux are not too simple for us
> newbies a problem has arisen and the RTFM method has
> failed to provide an answer. The attraction of mulinux
> is that it can be loaded from floppy discs, a near
> essential as my laptop has no CD drive.
> The tarballs are 1.7 or 1.8Mb and I can't fit them on
> 1.4Mb floppy discs. If anyone can inform me of my
> error I shall be eternally grateful and may be able to
> spread the wonder of Linux to a machine so far denied
> it.
> Mulinux can be found at
> http://freshmeat.net/projects/mulinux/
> Trevor Sansom
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