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RE: [LUG] LDE: Page on LUG Site.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Waters [mailto:Simon at wretched.demon.co.uk]

> Might be worth mentioning it is Sunday.

I've added that now.

> Hmm - bizarre map link - could have used the University directions.

The streetmap one?  I just stuck the uni postcode into the site to get that,
as I have no local knowlege of Exeter, its difficult to know if it's helpful
or not.  Any improvements would be great :).

> It's still slow so slow the termisoc site - is it on some bizarre
> internal link at the University?

Oddly enough not, its in a very good place network wise (last time I

The problem has often been the whole site connection.  It has a tendancy to
get saturated.

I have been wondering about wether it would be sensible to move the site to
another box.  Pi would seem a prudent choice.

For those who have never heard of pi, it's a linux box co-lo'd at
Webfusion/Dedicated servers in Nottinghgam and run by the other Alex and
myself with jon having a hand in it when needed. The link to it is pretty


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Learn about linux / 29th of April 2001
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